
Deepen your understanding with courses at the Imam Shatibi Institute

Course FAQs

How many students will be in my class?
This will depend on which course but our in person classes are roughly 4 - 10 students. Whereas, our online courses normally have more students.
Can I attend any class online?
Fluency and Access are strictly in person. However, Jazariyah, Illuminating the Sciences of Quran and Al - Mu'allim are online only.
What is the difference between Fluency level 1 and level 2?
Fluency level 1 is for those that struggle a lot with their fluency despite knowing how to read the Quran. This class is for students that need more support in tilawah (recitation) and require more lessons on tajweed. Whereas, Fluency level 2 is for those that can read with some fluency but perhaps are still slow and fall into some mistakes due to the need to practise. This class also covers some tajweed rules but it is a requirement that you have at least covered a few rules (meem sakinah rules, noon sakinah rules, sukoon) before joining this class.
Can I join mid course?
If a student would like to join the course midterm, we need to establish how far the class has reached and whether the student has missed significant content or not. the teacher of the class will be asked If it is possible for a new student to start without falling behind. Their response will determine the verdict - we will either sign the student up or add them to a waiting list for the next term.
What are the fees if I join mid course?
The fee is fixed regardless of when you join and how many lessons you attend. Our one term courses are £40 each and Jazariyah (the only annual course) is £140.
Which group Quran beginner class is best suited for me?
Access is for students that need to learn how to read Arabic. Fluency 1 is for students that know how to read the Quran but struggle to remain fluent. Fluency 2 is for students that have studied parts of tajweed and can recite with some perfection in their makharij and confidence in their fluency, however they need further practice in implementing the rules of tajweed.
Can I get a refund if I leave before the course ends?
No, we do not issue any refunds for the one term courses. Please ensure you are ready to commit before joining. However, if you paid without attending any sessions and have not yet missed any classes, we may be able to refund you. For Jazariyah, as this is a one year course, we may be able to refund you for the remaining 1 or 2 terms if you give us 2 weeks notice before the new term begins.
How long does it take to process a refund?
Please allow 7-10 working days to process the refunds.